Morisake Shop
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Premium Selection

1911年、ウジェーヌ・エメ・サロンという一介のシャンパーニュ愛飲家が造り上げた唯一無二のシャンパーニュが「サロン」。 複数のクリュやセパージュを組み合わせるアサンブラージュこそ王道のシャンパーニュにおいて、ル・メニル・シュール・オジェのシャルドネのみを用い、生粋のブラン・ド・ブランに仕立てられています。
In 1911, the one and only champagne created by a champagne lover called Eugene Emme Salon is the "Salon". Assemblage, which combines multiple crus and cepages, is the royal road of Champagne, using only Le Mesnil-sur-Oger Chardonnay to create a genuine Blanc de Blanc.

酒齢25年を超える長期熟成シェリー樽原 酒を厳選。丁寧にヴァッティングしたスーパープレミアムウイスキー。年間生産本数千数百本の限定品です。
Complex, profound, mature finish.
Carefully selected long-term aged sherry barrel liquor over 25 years old. Carefully vatted super premium whiskey. It is a limited edition of thousands and hundreds of pieces produced annually.

Deep reddish amber color peculiar to Quercus crispula barrels. A rich aged scent with aroma reminiscent of agarwood and sweetness like well-ripened fruits spreads. The mouthfeel is powerful, mellow, and silky smooth. In addition, a sweet and rich finish continues with a faint smoke scent.

"Suntory's oldest single malt whiskey" Yamazaki 55 years "
From the rare Yamazaki malt raw liquor that has been aged for over 55 years at the Yamazaki Distillery, we carefully selected the raw liquor that reached the peak of aging, such as the white oak barrel brewed in 1964 and the Mizunara barrel brewed in 1960. It was carefully blended with the technique of. "

It is a valuable and rare limited quantity product that can only be made in the thousands a year. For malt raw sake, malt raw sake that is at least 30 years old is carefully selected from Suntory's treasured ultra-long-term aged barrels. We carefully blend this with mature grain liquor that is over 30 years old. Due to the small number, everything is done manually. As a luxurious jewel-like sake, we will deliver it in a 30-sided crystal bottle.

ヘネシー パラディ
Hennessy Paradis's Paradis is a paradise, a cognac made in 1979 by then-master blender Maurice Fieu by blending the finest raw liquor left by his grandfather.
It has a deep reddish amber color and is said to have a mellow aroma and a long-lasting sweet finish.

ヘネシー リシャール
創業者である「リシャ ール氏」の名を冠した、ヘネシーの最高傑作です。
It is Hennessy's masterpiece, bearing the name of its founder, Mr. Richard.
As one of the rarest and most luxurious cognacs, it is revered as a work of art that fascinates enthusiasts.
A blend of 100 types, including the original sake that Hennessy has protected over 200 years ago.
It is an unrivaled sensual gem and is praised as the "Legend of Hennessy".

レミーマルタン ルイ13世 ザ・クラシック
Born in 1874, Louis XIII is a skillful blend of up to 1200 eau de vie made from 100% of the finest grapes in the Grande Champagne district of Cognac.
Louis XIII is a crystal of craftsmanship that has been passed down from generation to generation and has been watched over by cellar masters from the beginning. The cellar master carefully selects the most mature and excellent eau de vie from the cellar and entrusts it to the successor. Today, cellar master Batiste Loiseau is also cherishing the highest quality eau de vie, a legacy to the next generation.

レミーマルタン ルイ13世 タイム・コレクション2:光の都 パリ-1900
シリーズ第一弾「ジ・オリジン -1874」に続き、第二弾ではパリ造幣局とフランスの老舗クリスタルグラスメーカー「サン・ルイ」とのコラボレーションにより、万国博覧会でルイ13世が最高の賞を受賞した1900年のパリに敬意を表します。
シリアルナンバーが刻まれた2,000本限定のクリエイティブなデキャンタが、パリで万国博覧会が開催されたこの歴史的な年を記念し、光の都 パリが誇る芸術とクラフツマンシップを祝福します。
"Following the first series" The Origin-1874 ", in the second series, Louis XIII won the highest award at the World's Fair in collaboration with the Paris Monnaie de Paris and the well-established French crystal glass maker" Saint Louis ". We pay tribute to the award-winning 1900 Paris.
A limited edition of 2,000 creative decanters engraved with serial numbers celebrates the historic year of the World's Fair in Paris and celebrates the art and craftsmanship of Paris, the City of Light. "

ロマネコンティ 2017 正規品 ドメーヌ ド ラ ロマネ コンティ DRC Romanee Conti
"Located in Vosne-Romanee, there are no more vineyards or wines in Burgundy than Romanée-Conti. The small 4.32 hectare vineyard is owned exclusively by Domaine de la Romanée-Conti.
This field produces only 300-500 cases a year, and the vines average 40 years old. To ensure that the grapes are well ripe, the harvest is slow and the low production is surprising, 2,000-2,500 liters, which is about half the amount normally harvested by other Grand Cru. "

ロマネ・コンティはフランス・ブルゴーニュ地方「ヴォール・ロマネ村」産の、 世界で最も高額で取引されるワインのひとつで、造っているのはドメーヌ・ド・ラ・ロマネ・コンティ。
Romanée Conti is one of the most expensive wines in the world from the village of Vosne-Romanee in Burgundy, France, and is made by Domaine de la Romanée Conti.
Romanée-Conti is a wine made from grapes harvested from the company's 100% owned vineyard plot Romanée-Conti.